
  • Puccini Suor Angelica + Gianni Schicchi, RNCM

    December 2018

    December 2018
    The Arts Desk
    With Martin André conducting, musical standards were very high indeed.
    Seen and Heard
    The vastly experienced Martin André conducts Puccini's complex score with felicitous attention to detail.
    Number 9
    The entire performance is dynamically conducted by Martin André.



  • The Merry Widow, Opera North

    October 2018

    October 2018

    The Spectator
    Martin André conducted the Opera North orchestra with such colour and schwung that it practically became a character in its own right.

    Conductor Martin André was sensitive to the more subtle sections of the orchestration, and naturally the waltzes got the full treatment.

    Lehár's rich orchestral palette is lifted from the pages of the score by the Orchestra of Opera North and Martin André: unmissable.

    Yorkshire Times
    The orchestra of Opera North is on top form under Martin André, producing a gorgeous swell of sound and doing full justice to Lehár's superb orchestration.

    Newcastle Chronicle
    Conductor Martin André deserved the rapturous applause at the end.


  • Osud, Opera North

    November 2017

    Superb choruses and punchy energised orchestral playing under Martin André
    Martin André, conducting, and the large ensemble cast and Opera North orchestra put the strongest case for this irresistible oddity. Osud: a score of glorious amplitude to a libretto (the composer's own) of chaotic opacity. This 3 act work makes essential listening.
    Martin André's conducting captures all the music's nervous energy.
    The music is stunning and the orchestra of Opera North and Martin André gave it real heart.
    Both operas (L'enfant and Osud) are supported with faultless performances by Opera North's orchestra - in each case led by Martin André, a veteran conductor and noted Janacek specialist.
    Martin André made a masterful contribution to the matching of these 2 diverse works.


  • L'enfant et les sortilèges, Opera North, England

    October 2017

    Martin André conducted with the gusto that is often lacking when people tackle this piece, and he brought the work to a close that was both charming and moving.
    Conductor Martin André brings the score beautifully to life.
    Musically it was enchanting to hear, the Orchestra of Opera North creating a whimsical soundworld under André.
    The orchestra under Martin André provides washes of beautifully vivid colour, and the singers plainly enjoyed the romp as much as the audience.
    Martin André's conducting is crucial to its success.
    Martin André and the orchestra contributed the colours and sophistication of the score to make up the whole.



  • Der Zwerg, Teatro Sao Carlos, Lisbon

    April 2017


    But the star of the evening is the music and the orchestration by Zemlinsky: excellent work from Orquestra Sinfonica Portuguesesa and Martin André.

  • Bangkok Symphony Ballet Spectacular

    September 2016


    The Bangkok Symphony Orchestra itself played superbly, the versatility for which it is known shining through in a programme of 14 very distinct items -- ranging from Mozart's transparently textured Seraglio Overture to Mascagni's charged, impassioned outbursts in the Intermezzo from his verismo opera L'amico Fritz. English maestro Martin André steered the players expertly through a demanding evening, involving the very careful pacing of vastly contrasting tempi in order to coordinate precisely with the choreography on stage.

  • RCM with English concert in Gloucester Cathedral

    July 2016


    Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis by Vaughan Williams, eased ever so gently into life by the RCMSO Strings under Martin André, seemed to breathe from the very stones and arches of Gloucester Cathedral (the same venue as the world premiere in 1910).

    ....all immaculately played by the RCMSO under its conductor Martin André.

    (Vaughan Williams)...Right from the magically hushed opening chords I dared to hope that we were in for a special performance and I was not disappointed. Martin André paced and balanced the music with great understanding. Tonight's performance was an experience that I would not have missed for anything.
    (Howells Cello Concerto) Guy Johnston was a fine advocate for the concerto and received excellent support form Martin André and the orchestra.



  • Iphigénie en Tauride, English Touring Opera

    March 2016


    It's often considered Gluck's masterpiece, and the dramtically engaged conducting of Martin André plus the committed playing of ETO´s substantial orchestra make a good case for it.
    The Stage

    Musically it is terrific: Martin André conducts with fierce passion throughout. It is a remarkable piece of music theatre that arouses pity and terror - as classical tragedy always should.
    The Guardian

    Martin André's conducting is robustly virile: its honesty and energy are admirable.
    The Telegraph

    Martin André has Gluck's seamless flow between recitative and aria at his fingertips, underpinned by an unflagging sense of pace and spaciousness.
    Classical Source

    Martin André and the orchestra impressed with the sense of style and contained passion that they brought to the music. Some stylish "Historically Informed Peformance" elements merging with playing of real strength.
    Planet Hugill - world of classical music

    All ably conducted by Martin André, bringing clarity to this marvellous opera that lies beyonf the baroque tradition. - theatre reviews

    Martin André conducts an elegant yet taut account that allows well-defined characterisations to emerge.
    What's on Stage

  • L'amico Fritz, Den Jyske Opera, Denmark

    November 2015

    Under Martin André's direction, the Odense Symfoniorkest shaped all the nuances and shades of Mascagni's score.
    Funen Herald-Tribune

    ...evocative moments, both dramtic and melodic, both juicy and poetic, filled the auditorium from the orchestra, which had a fine premiere in Odense with Martin André
    Arhus Herald-Tribune could also enjoy how Martin André got the Odense Symfoniorkest to sound soulful for long periods.
    Kristeligt Dagblad

    the cast of singers are on happy melodic ground, eminently directed by Martin André.

    Just like last season with Lucia, Martin André got expressive playing from the Copenhagen Philharmonic.

  • Lucia, Den Jyske Opera, Denmark

    March 2014

    Musically this was a great pleasure, since conductor Martin André and South Jutland Symphony Orchestra played Donizetti's delicious notes to a very high standard.

    Flensborg Avis

    The Aarhus Symfoniorkster played securely and beautifully. The sound of the orchestra was homogenous and accomplished under the riveting diretion of Martin André, under whom they played very convincingly.

    Kristeligt Dagblad

    Under the expert guidance of Martin André, the Odense Symfoniorkster porved once again that they have become a fine opera orchestra.

    Fyens Stiftstidende

    Musically the performance is excellent: Conductor Martin André shapes the orchestral playing sensitively; he has a great  sense of the bel canto style, and good contact and rappore with the singers on stage.

    AOA Guide

  • Hansel und Gretel, Garsington Opera

    July 2013

    Garsington’s orchestra…the sheer character of the wind playing and the sweep of the strings. Conductor Martin André keeps up the pace, allowing the score to dance along, and the final chorus of rescue kids is simply terrific.

    The Guardian

    ... but rather than suggesting menace, this surreality colludes with the beauty emanating from the pit (under Martin André's direction) to create an atmosphere of serene contentment.

    The Independent

    In the pit, Martin André drew warm and sophisticated playing from the Garsington Opera Orchestra. The opera is quite heavily scored, after all Humperdinck was a disciple of Wagner's, but André ensured that the balance always worked well and that the singers were well supported but never had to struggle to dominate the orchestra. It is easy to dismiss Hänsel und Gretel as kitsch fun, but clearly André and Fuchs (stage director) took the opera seriously and drew very strong performances from the cast.

    Opera Today

    The Garsington Orchestra was in the dependable hands of Martin André, who paced the score nicely, gave the players and singers room to breathe, and presided over a genial reading of this rewarding music. So we go from the evocative horn calls that start the evening (beautifully played), through the Wagnerian witches ride, to the beautiful and deceptively simple harmonies of the childrens' evening prayer and the fourteen angels who are to guard over them. André proved to be alive to all these changing moods and textures, and shaped the melodic contours of this lovely opera with skill and sensitivity, helped by some fine playing, especially in the luminescent quieter passages. A word too for the skilful orchestral elision that allowed Acts One and Two to be played without a break - as with so much in this always interesting production, it felt entirely natural, and the onward narrative flow was enhanced.

    The magical score is well served by the chamber-sized Garsington orchestra and conductor Martin Andre’s well-paced direction, helped by the acoustic of the splendid Wormsley pavilion, clearer than many opera houses.

    The Stage

    Martin André brought his vast experience to the pit, and the superb Garsington Orchestra played Humperdinck's inspiring, poetic music with exactly the right combination of romantic sweep and brooding menace. A wonderful evening.

    The orchestral sound had plenty of colour and character, expertly brought out by Martin André.

    Martin André's conducting exactly complements the action in this refreshingly unschmaltzy production.

    The Oxford Times

  • Mister Broucek, Scottish Opera

    April 2010

    If you never see another Janácek opera see this one. Conductor Martin André is in his element with the blazing music. Superb lighting and production: a stunning night.

    The Herald

Martin André